Hi! I’m Rachel, a…

consultant, mentor, and collaborator to humans and organizations of uncommon intelligence and vision

Rachel works broadly and deeply in neurodiversity, giftedness, and full-body intelligence, guiding gifted, twice-exceptional, 2E+, neurodivergent, and (neuro)complex clients across the globe.

She creates an expert container for uncommon processors, highly-intelligent, sensitive, and neurodivergent/neurocomplex individuals to explore themes related to identity and meaning, growth and transition, existential health, and full-body intelligence.

Rachel also works with teams, organizations, and businesses on brand, identity, and communications projects.

Her extensive experience in communications, marketing, brand, and leadership – coupled with her unique capacity for drawing out core essence and form – makes her the perfect fit for organizations seeking meaningful, strategic, and compelling identity and communications at the organizational, product, or situational levels.

  • Field Notes: ExFormation & Wanderings

    questions, thoughts, notes;

    musings, strange equations, uncommon insights

Learn more about Rachel’s work

  • Rachel is coach, mentor, and consultant specializing in neurodivergence, giftedness, and full-body intelligence.

    Her work involves guiding highly intelligent, sensitive, and neurodivergent individuals through existential exploration, identity, meaning, dis/integration, living intelligence, self-inclusion, self-trust, and authenticity.

    Rachel provides one-on-one sessions designed to help clients navigate identity, meaning, emotional regulation, and personal growth. Offered in the spirit of co-exploration, topics discussed often include: neurodiversity, neurodivergence, self-inclusion, masking and deconditioning, trauma healing, somatic awareness, and self-acceptance.

    Rachel uses a combination of cognitive, somatic, and existential approaches, emphasizing meta-awareness, experimentation, and self-exploration.

    Rachel works with gifted, multi-exceptional neurodivergent individuals across the globe and has, to date, has supported these uncommon humans in their growth to the tune of over 4000 hours of “flight time” logged.

    Rachel’s own lived experience of being multiply neurodivergent makes her a great fit for similarly profiled clients - AuDHD, H+ Gifted (special emphasis on exceptional-profound giftedness), with additional processing curiosities such as aphantasia, synesthesia, and more.

    To book an intro call with Rachel, head here.

  • Existential, as in where the meta (self-referential) and meaning, meet.

    All humans are curious and wired to explore – the drive to learn is literally written into our sapien neurobiology.

    Yet in a reductionist paradigm where we are taught to hold certainty as currency, many of us may deem learning and the exploration of meaning, matter, identification, and belief as superfluous or navel-gaze-y.

    This couldn’t be further from the truth.
    All PhDs are “philosophy of” degrees.

    Learning is more than proving, than having right answers; more than an exclusively intellectual pursuit.

    Meaning underpins matter underpins
    the very schemas that live within us about reality, humaning, and “how the world works.” Re-learning learning, and learning about what we have learned… this is where certainty ends and exploration of everything begins.

    Existential health (a term I use often) is a very real domain of human health.

    Simply put, meaning drives – and meaning lives in our sub and unconscious; our somatic intelligence, our tissues.

    We can learn to access this meaning.

    Rachel offers one-on-one sessions and group/team workshops for curious, existentially oriented humans. These spaces are both designed and emergent, and are intended to explore how we create meaning, as well as the definitions and meanings that animate our beliefs, emotions, thoughts, and actions related to specific themes or topics.

  • Rachel is uniquely skilled at breathing new life into brand and identity at the organizational, product/service, relational, and architectural levels.

    With over fifteen years’ experience in brand, marketing, communications, and strategy (tech, private equity, startup, Fortune 500, and +) she’s led numerous rebranding projects, all through the lens of where essence meets form and art meets science.

    Her insightful, agile approach to this work makes her an excellent fit for exceptional organizations who understand the power and living nature of identity and its role in overall business growth and maturation.

    To connect with Rachel about your brand project, head here.

  • In addition to her work in the neurodiversity, existential, and identity (brand) spaces, Rachel offers unique and engaging educational workshops and presentations for groups both small and large.

    These workshops and presentations are focused on the intersections of redefining intelligence, the nervous system and nervous system awareness, developing stronger metacognitive skills, self-leadership and co-creativity, the role of meaning and identification in individual and group dynamics, and more.

    Workshops and presentations are tailored to fit the unique needs an intentions of any organization or group.

    Rachel is available for facilitation, speaking, and educational engagements either in-person or online by request.

  • Syncretic by nature, Rachel has always been oriented to unconventional learning.

    Her unique approach to learning and development is transcontextual, and always oriented to the connective tissue between disciplines, systems, and meaning.

    Not one to throw the baby out with the bathwater, Rachel’s approach centers a way of learning that is both inclusive of and goes beyond reductionist approaches. (Her “work - play - exploration” model streamlines this complex idea with great simplicity.)

    She is committed to expanding our collective capacity for holding the tension between knowing and unknowing, and believes that inclusive, intersectional, and creative approaches to learning are essential to our survival.

    Rachel is building her own lineage of teachers and trainings which includes, but is not limited to, the following teachers, writers, artists, and thinkers:
    Inspired by the philosophies and methodologies of:

    Jiddu Krishnamurti
    Carl Jung
    Viktor Frankl
    Vandana Shiva
    Annemarie Roeper
    Buckminster Fuller
    Ian McGilchrist
    Rupert Sheldrake & Stuart Hameroff
    Bayo Akomolafe
    James Baldwin
    Bruce Lipton
    Stephen Porges, Deb Dana, and Beth Dennison

    Rachel has studied directly with and holds certifications in various trainings from:

    Nora Bateson - Warm Data, Warm Data Lab Host (Certified)

    Ellen Heed - STREAM (Certified, Instructor)

    Ali Mezey - Personal Geometry

    Jennifer Harvey Sallin - InterGifted

    Philip Shepherd - Radical Wholeness and the Embodied Present Process

    ***Rachel is currently in the process of aggregating her aggregate philosophies and methodologies into a body of work to be made available through videos and writings - coming soon!